From: God
Reference: LIFE
I am God. Today I will be handling all of your problems. Please remember that I do not need your help. If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do not attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. All situations will be resolved, but in My time, not yours. Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now.
- If you find yourself stuck in traffic; Don't despair. There are people in this world for whom driving is an unheard of privilege.
- Should you have a bad day at work; Think of the man who has been out of work for years.
- Should you despair over a relationship gone bad; Think of the person who has never known what it's like to love and be loved in return.
- Should you grieve the passing of another weekend; Think of the woman in dire straits, working twelve hours a day, seven days a week to feed her children.
- Should your car break down, leaving you miles away from assistance; Think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take that walk.
- Should you notice a new gray hair in the mirror; Think of the cancer patient in chemo who wishes she had hair to examine.
- Should you find yourself at a loss and pondering what is life all about, asking what is my purpose? Be thankful. There are those who didn't live long enough to get the opportunity.
- Should you find yourself the victim of other people's bitterness, ignorance, smallness or insecurities; Remember, things could be worse. You could be one of them!
- Should you decide to send this to a friend; Thank you, you may have touched their life in ways you will never know!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Bad March
Saya pun xtau napa bulan MAC ni keadaan hidup saya agak terumbang ambing. Seingat saya, berat badan saya bulan lepas 55kg..sekrg dh turun semula menjadi 49kg. Hurmm...sebenarnya saya pun kurg pasti napa hidup saya sepanjang bulan ni jd mcm ni. Tiba-tiba byk masalah yg timbul...honestly saya menangis kadang2 sebab saya xpernah rasa n mengalami keadaan mcm ni. Well u know me...saya kn lembut. very soft person...marah pun mrah ckit2. bkn mcm org lain sampai maki hamun pun ada. Saya xlarat nk cerita apa semua masalah yg saya hadapi but the most give effect with my condition is masalah rumah sewa saya. Saya xnk sharing ngan parents sebab takut kena suruh balik. hurm....and also i dun want they worried bout me here. one more thing....saya dalam proses memaafkan seorang mamat yg bernama Jainas Steven yg mulutnya lancang mcm teda tamadun...padahal dia 2 study Degree even master sekrg dkt UM. Saya nak tuntut dia utk meminta maaf kepada keluarga saya. saya pun xtau apa masalah dia ngan family saya sampai dia ckp mcm 2. pastu bila dh org marah2 bru dia g minta maaf, dengan alasan bergurau..saja nk pyscho saya. "eh..ko ingat soalan ko 2 ada tamadun ka tedaa?" bullshit punya org. Walaupun mcm 2....saya harap Tuhan melembutkan hati saya utk melupakan semua yg ko ckp 2. kalau nak ikut btl dh lama ngadu ngan papa suruh g sue. bengang btl. Saya byk g masalah nk cerita sebenarnya tp nampknya tgn ni dh xlarat nk menaip. elokla saya berhenti menaip setakat ni...i wish i got my life after this bad March gone. can't wait for April
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Bukan Angry Bird
Saat aku start menulis post ni, perasaan marah aku baru reda. Aku rasa menahan marah ni mcm org bodoh saja sebab sampai boleh sakit kepala dan sakit dada. Denyutan jantung tersayang aku ni mcm xberdegup dengan sekata. Kalau aku mau angry bird sekarang confirm release tension sikit. ISHHHH......sangat2 terganggu sebenarnya. Banyak kali juga aku pesan dekat diri sendiri supaya bersabar. Nak tau napa aku ni marah sangat?? kalau korg xmarah sebab apa aku marah sangat..aku salute korg.
Okay, ini semua pasal AIA...bengang betul. hari ini saja saya call hampir 30 kali. Punya aku naik angin dengan para Customer Service AIA. Aku tertanya-tanya dorg ni kekurangan pekerja ke sampai aku call berkali2 xde orang nak pick call aku. kalau 2 3 kali i call xnak angkat okay i xkisah g. ni hampir 30 kali. cuba korg bayangkan aku call dorg baru 27 saat dh 9sen kena potong. Aku topup RM 10...sekali baki kerdit aku jd 0.27. Aku benganglah...kalau dia pick up call aku habislah telingan dorg kena maki hambur ngan aku. Aku call benda penting kot...asal susah sgt dorg nak angkat call aku. aku call bukan nk wat prank call or whatever. busy sgt ke? ramai customer call ke? or kurang sgt ke pekerja?
marah punya pasal..habis i call no dorg yang satu..kesian kat org 2..bkn department dia abis aku maki sampai aku puas hati. bukan 2 saja..aku g hantar email kat feedback dorg. Huh...padan muka. Geram btl saya.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Siapa yang bersalah????
Ehem-ehem....sakit tekak ni. Tapi i nak berstory pasal one of my colleague punya ceritalah huh. As usual i akan kuar lunch kt mamak ngan my colleague...sorg chinsese gurl yg dh matang & sorg g mamat chinese yg muda dari i. Mcm biasa...bila dorg borak2 i akan diam saja sebab i xfaham ma apa dorg borak kn. kdg2 dorg termention nama2 colleagu yg lain gak. i ni teringin nak tau tp xlah sampai tanya kat dorg kan...kena jaga disiplin juga. Ntah mcm na...semalam mereka boleh borak pla psl love affair ni. c mamat ni tanya i " Eyerain arr...kalau u punya ex -boyfriend mau kawan sama u....u akan kawan x ngan ex u?" mcm ni la bunyi question dia 2. Masa dia tanya ni, i tgh membaham kesedapan kuey teow kungfu mamak....i reply kata mamat ni mcm ni "laa...kalau i break up cara baik ngan dia, napa i xnak berkawan ngan dia kn". pastu gurl 2 pla menyampuk..."haiya....kalau i huh...i xnak la kawan lg sama 2 olang jahat..sdh break xpyh kwn lg la". i pn senyum sajalah..malas nak comment pjg sebenarnya. C mamat chinese ni bercerita pla pasal one of his friend la..jeng-jeng, silalah baca ye..
" Ada sepasang couple, masa ni dorg btl2 in love...& so close. si awek ni pagi2 sediakan breakfast, makan pakai pakwe dia. Laa..senang cerita dorg bersedudukan or tinggal serumah without legal marriage la. One day..dorg dua jalan sama2 dkt KL la...tiba2 perempuan 2 nmpk ada 1 kedai yg menawarkan pembedahan pulih dara dengan harga RM80 saja. C awek ni berminatlah & dia tanya pakwe dia 2 la..."honey...i nak dptkan pembedahan 2 la" . pakwe dia pn terkejut " napa darling mau buat pembedahan ni?". c awek pn ngan innocentnya menjawab "Honey..i nak virgin balik sebab i nak u happy sebab more tight la". ngan muka selamba pakwe 2 jwb "xpayah buat pembedahan ni, i dun care u virgin ke x long i love u. you virginity is doesn't matter lorr." maka awek 2 ngan hati yg senang & happy bila dgr ayat pakwe dia, so she decide utk xbuat pembedahanla. A few month later...this pakwe kena hantar kerja dkt Taiwan ngan sorg colleague perempuan oleh bos dia. Ding dong dring ding dong.....masa pn berlalu, pada suatu malam 2 org rakan sekerja ni mabuk-mabukan n then dorg terlanjur lorr. pakwe ni kununnya x nak tp bila dh mabuk ni semua pn jd. So dorg merahsiakn peristiwa ni drpd pengetahuan awek pakwe 2. After that, c pakwe pn balik M'sia & dh nak kawin ngan awek dia. beberapa hari sebelum tarikh perkhawinan mereka...tetiba c colleague perempuan 2 pergi berjumpa ngan c pakwe & awek dia. so dia merayu-rayu supaya mereka membataklan perkhawinan 2 sebab dia terlalu syg n cinta kat pakwe 2, dia kata laki 2 yg memecahkan virgin dia masa kat Taiwan. So awek ni pn tanyala pakwe dia samada pakwe dia pilih dia or 3rd party 2. yg mengejutkan c pakwe ni memilih colleague dia ngan alasan...awek dia ni dh xvirgin masa ngan dia n sebab bertanggungjawab sebab 1st guy yg pecahkan virgin colleague dia. C awek pn ngan terpaksa rela bersetuju ngan keputusan pakwe dia. A few month later, the perempuan and the pakwe pn kawin n perempuan 2 pregnant day the girl sakit perut la n terpaksa kena hantar g hosp la. After doktor 2 check perempuan 2..dia ckp kt husband dia bahawa wife dia xble mengandung. kandungan dia trpksa di gugurkan...c husband pn terasa sedih n pelik napa wife dia xble doktor pn explain kt dia..."dinding rahim wife anda sgt nipis, kalau dia bertegas juga utk mengandung dia akan menemui maut, so dia xble mengandung langsung". si husband pn tanya kenapa mcm 2. doktor 2 ckp "wife awak byk kali wat pembedahan virgin dat y dia bg effect." bila c husband 2 dgr mcm 2 bukan main g rasa sedih dia.
So mcm 2 la cerita mamat chinese kat dia tanya siapa salah dalam hal ni? so i & colleague perempuan i 2 serentak jawab kt dia..."the guy la stupid one".
Monday, March 5, 2012
Mencari Si kawan baru
Perhatian kepada semua....I sedang mencari kawan baru yang comel, bercolor-color and yang paling penting rela mendengar bebelan, rungutan dan juga luahan hati saya tanpa berusaha. Buat masa ni still mencari si kawan baru ni...hari tu ada nampak kena jual tapi masa 2 nak cepat sgt dat y x dpt beli. saya kepingin sangat nak berkawan ngan kawan mcm kat atas 2. hehehe....bilalah dapat beli mcm 2. saya dh terbayang-bayang dh nak hias balang dia nanti. saya xnak pelihara ikan ini dalam mini aquarium yang mcm biasa2 2..allaaaa yg 4 segi 2. saya xnak....saya lebih suka pelihara ikan dalam balang kaca yg bergaya 2. heheh..mesti comel kn kn kn? betul x semua. hahaha. (Dah gila agaknya Eyerain ni bercakap sorg2). Napa saya memilih si ikan untuk menjadi kawan saya sebabnya ikan ni senang nk jaga, tukar air 2 kali seminggu, n x cerewet kot penjagaan dia n kalau teratur tukar air dia rasanya masalah bau busuk ikan 2 xkn berlaku. sebenarnya hari tu, saya terfikir juga pelihara tortoise tp bila terkenangkan bau busuk dia...alahai x nak la. lgpun warna dia xmenarik n dia xpandai nak berenang. hahahaha.......boleh pakai x alasan saya ni. selain dari kura-kura, saya terfikir juga nak pelihara saya xnak hamster sebab dia busuk juga. hahaha....kesimpulannya saya nak pelihara ikan cumil ni. hehehe.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Me and my stupid
Macam dah terlalu lama pula aku x update Blog aku. Okay lah. Kali ni aku nak tulis pasal perasaan aku and tentang kebodohan yang aku reka sendiri. Okay lah...let me start with my feeling now. Seriously, i feel damn stupid, sad...stress and feel uncomfortable with my work environment. 1st : "the botak" said i just be one of my office mate assistant which i need to help her to make some operational job as create a demo. 2nd : "the botak" never inform me before that i'm must be a trainee to new client. Damn bullshit...he know how to bonded me here and put me in the uncomfortable position. After i sign the bond form, and the others office mate inform me that my position is presales??? hello there...are you out of u sense rite now? what the hell u think that i capable for this position. This is not right man!. Okay never mind...i try to push myself to like it..who know i will fall in love with this new position rite. But the most i hate in this part is..."The botak" ask me to train other people which at high level management. Good for ya to make me ashamed with myself. i need to start from's really gross for now. I also dunno what should i do now....really. then the conclusion i have now is just put the trigger at my head and shot myself.
Okay..enough with my feeling. let me talk about my stupid now. The week before i sign the new agreement and the bond. I went to interview....very nice interviewer. And the surprise is they on the spot hired me. Okay...i tell them. i need to think first because i need to settle my job in my current company now. so they give a couple of day to think bout that. a few day later i call them and i said.."i'm sorry because i need to decline u offer" meaning to say i wanna stay in my current office because i already been bonded by them. next week...i got a 4 offer that better than now and the willing to pay my bond. But still i that was my stupid thing i do and let the opportunity gone. but the good news is the one of the company willing to wait me until my bond is done.
I also dunno what should i do now...i dun feel comfortable anymore to be's such a pain i cause to myself. And i feel how the pain eat my heart and my happiness. i dun wanna feel dumb but still i feel i'm the most dumb girl in this world. Hope one day i can smile like before and makes myself comfortable. Hope to see the bright sunshine one day....:(
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