I love to be me...be humble..be caring..be love..be motivated..be giving..be smiley..be laugh..be good. Honestly, I really care what people would describe me with my image and my complicated personality. Kalau boleh, I dun want people labeling me as berlagak, sombong, bajet good good je. I Don't want to be fake. I love to be real me.
Tapi some of situation sangat mendesak saya untuk menjadi org lain...a different version of me. Damn it!. Let me tell u something...ada manusia yg suka tikam belakang org terutama dlm hal kerja. U pung pang ping do all the work alone but she or he claim that everything done by them. And you seems like doing nothing. Can u see that?? So before they stab u back better u cover u back with something nice and better. Be prepare...at least keep a few bahan bukti to prove that u do all the work. Being adult and working life is hard...but this is u reality. Nak x nak..kena hadap juga. My dad teach me to be patience..be kind with other altough they be bad to you. Show them love..God say love u enemy.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Stab my back or I stab u back
Monday, September 23, 2013
Are u stress?? Oh no...we're in the same boat.
Saya ada a lil bit solution for this. U try pelihara kucing. Confirm stress u akan release sikit.
Last 3 week ago...saya mengambil seekor anak kucing serbian. Tak tahu macam mana boleh bertentang mata dengan anak2 kucing tu. Honestly, saya sangat2 mempersoalkan diri saya. Saya perlukan kucing lagi??? Si parsian tu kan ada. First sekali saya ignore perasaan teringin tu. Bila sampai rumah...makan tak kenyang, nak mandi pun tak basah. Haizz..terpaksa patah balik ke kedai haiwan tu.
Plan awal nak ambil kucing mata biru berbulu tengkuk hitam tu. Tapi pusing2 lagi kedai apek tu...terjumpalah si messy. Comel saja duduk mkn. Diam saja berbanding kucing2 lain yang bising meow meow. Hampir sejam juga dalam kedai tu...taukeh kedai tu siap kenalkan sekor2 kucing dia.
Lepas tu pandang kucing messy tu. Dia senyap saja sambil main bola kecil dalam kandang dia. Alahai..kucing ni senyap je. Bolehlah jadi geng si parsi tu. Lepas tu decided ambil dia.
Bawa balik rumah. 1 rumah dia pusing untuk mengenal rumah baru katakan. Masa dia pusing2 tu terperasan dia tu kontot. Saya gelak lepas tu panggil dia kontot. Masa kenalkan kontot dengan si parsi tu..amboi parsi tarik muka lepas tu blah g makan. Geram je dengan parsi tu. Makan lebih..tidur lebih..main kurang. Sombong betul dia dengan housemate baru dia.
Serius parsi tu dia tak pernah nak manja2 dengan saya. Yg dia tau makanan dia mesti ada. Tapi kontot ni kan...sgt manja..mengada2 tapi saya sgt suka. Saya nak g mandi dia ikut dan tunggu kat tepi pintu. Lepas tu kalau dia nak makan dia nak saya teman. Haha. Pagi2 jam 6 mesti naik atas badan saya suruh bangun. Comel saja dia. Geram pun ada kdg2 sebab dia sgt2 lasak. Sampai wayar mouse laptop saya pun putus dibuatnya. Haizz...lasak sungguh. Beza benar dengan si parsi..parsi yg dia tau makan tidur saja. Dan yang paling kelakar tak pernah tengok kucing2 ni duduk sama2. Hahahah
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Anything can happen
Thanks God for the beautiful and awesome plan that He giving to me...SYUKUR atas berkatMu.
There is too many thing that I did not expected happen to my life either is bad or good. But again I'm still bersyukur for everything happens. He know what the best for me.
Baru-baru ini..saya sedar yang saya tak pernah bermimpi untuk berkerjaya dalam bidang IT but then here I'am now. Thanks kepada kawan yang menyedarkan saya. That was happen masa lunch hour...we talk yada yada bara bara bere bere about our experience in this nature of business, sampailah experience zaman sekolah. That time I was blank...and I was just keep eating my meal and listen their wonderful story. Then one of my friend asking me bout mine story. Oo wait my story?? Adui..I don't have that kind of story. I told them...saya bukan terletak dalam kelas sains dan teknologi masa sekolah menengah. Saya masih ingat dengan jelas ranking kelas dahulu.
1st rank - sains tulen
2nd rank - ICT/sains dan teknologi
3rd rank - akaun
4th rank - sains sukan
5th rank - ekonomi
6th rank - sastera
7th rank - seni visual
8th rank - geografi
9th rank - pemulihan
For you information..saya berada di kelas paling 2nd last rank. Form 4 that time..but wait a minute. My PMR result is quite okay ya..7B 1C. As I know,result saya boleh masuk dalam class 3rd rank tu. Will that time..I really don't like math apatahlagi add math or akaun. Damm it I dun like it too much. Still remember masa isi form untuk student pilih class pilihan hati masing2 (Sekolah saya dulu bagi student buat keputusan sendiri okay) saya tick class akaun sebab result saya rasa layak masa tu. 2nd class ekonomi. 3rd class baru sains sukan. But then guru kelas akaun tu xnak saya sebab dia kata my math tak excellent. Okaylah..saya akur. Tapi 2nd choice pun tak dapat sebab saya dah terlambat. Kuota untuk class ekonomi dah full. Arghh...3rd class pun dah full. And you know what...orang yg dpt result 5c 2e pun boleh masuk sains sukan. Cikgu tak tapis betul2. Lastly saya pilih class geography..masa tu class ada 7 org sahaja. Dan semua pelajar2 dia pun nakal2 semuanya. Class pun buruk2. Bersebelahan dengan kelas pemulihan yang student dia btl2 nakal dan tak berapa nak belajar.Kotor pula tu...haizz. saya jadi ketua kelas masa tu. Tapi kan xsampai beberapa bulan class geography dibubarkan. So kami diminta pilih class. I feel insulted that time...malu pun ada juga. So my guru kelas letak saya at kelas sastera. Huh..masa pindah tu budak2 dekat class tu pandang xpuas hati saja dengan kami. What wrong with them? So class sastera terpaksa memilih organisasi baru dan saya menjadi timbalan ketua kelas dat time.
Saya ni sudahlah class tak berapa famous..kokurikulum pun tak aktif sangat. Mana ada saya ikut sukan semua. Mana ada saya rajin ikut berpanas untuk latihan...bukan sebab saya tak sanggup berpanas tapi saya tak di bagi peluang dan saya lembap. Selalu nak join tp x dpt sebab dah penuh. So jadi penonton sajalah kan. Jadi sukarelawan sukan sajalah selalu.
So result SPM pun okay juga..dapat offer dari UITM KK utk diploma tp lupa course apa dorang offer tu. Saya gatal sangat nak perfi amik UITM tu tp my papa x bagi pula, dia kata i'm too young for that and saya ni tak pernah jauh dari mereka sejak dari kecil. Dia suruh continue study STPM. Okaylah...saya study STPM dlm class science sosial. Ambil 4 subject saja sebab saya akui saya malas belajar. Style saya masa belajar is dun study hard but study smart. Main lebih tapi result gempak...pergh moto saya dulu2(lol..xelok moto ni). Serius..waktu study saya lukis2 itu ini...mengelamun benda bodoh2. Borak dgn kawan2. Yg lain semua focus on their book. Me curi2 main sms lepas tu conteng2 kertas. Buat homework saja saya buat sungguh2.lol.
After finish STPM..dpt result. Apply UPU tapi xdapat. Lama tunggu..masa tu dah give up. Cita2 masa tu is became a teacher..kalau x pun nurse. Kalau x pun gomen staff. Lepas tu dpt surat 2nd offer kat USM tp surat tu lambat sangat sampai. Dpt surat tu hari ni esok last day register. Tak apa..sabar tunggu lagi. Apply kerja dengan gomen 1 pun x panggil. Setelah 2 bulan menunggu..akhirnya dtg satu surat
Quite interesting my dad said. No idea apa benda E- business technology and management masa tu. My dad pun suruh saya study situ..walaupun berat hati dia suruh saya pergi belajar jauh2 tapi saya rasa dia nak sangat tengok saya study. Saya pun masa tu tak menolak..ikut saja papa cakap. Ingat lagi 3 hari menangis rindukan rumah dan family. Every 3 hour everyday my papa call and I cry.
Saya motivate diri sendiri supaya be strong and study betul2...masa 1st time masuk kelas. Saya sgt2 blur apa pun xtau. Give up juga and terfikir nak quite juga that time tapi I dun know why, my brain still pushing me to be strong. Bertahan! ..so saya pun bertahan. Thanks God...saya dpt kawan2 baru yang baik2. Walaupun certain of them ada yang tak berapa nak baik but still bersyukur. Thanks GOd juga...saya xkena culture shock wlwpun saya jauh from my family and very freedom to do everything that I want to do. That why I told the other people...don't blame the culture or people soround you. Blame yourslef if you be effective by them.semua kena bermula dari diri sendiri. But satu saja yang saya regret...I did not study hard and smart. Still like zaman STPM and SPM...really hard utk buang habit tu and more worst sebab bebas utk nak or tak nak study. As I know ada homework saja buat. Assignment pun selalu buat last minute. Damm it...I really regret this part. Kalau bisa putar balik masa...saya nak be the rajin student that time and study with all my heart and strength. Apa nak buat...gomen annouce lambat sangat utk bg pendidikan free utk student yg dpt result 1st class. Shame on me now..kena bayar hutang ptptn yang mcm tak berkurang wlwpun bulan2 bayar. I told you...tak kurang. Haiya...ni macam saya tanggung hutang the rest of my life lah.
But anyway....masih bersyukur. Hutang ptptn ni yg buat saya utk lebih berusaha dalam kerjaya. Setakat ni..saya hanya interview mana2 mesti dapat, hanya satu saja saya x lepas(sime darby). My 1st job dengan salah satu SAP partner malaysia...SAP tu. Org dgr pun dah wow (utk org yg tau pasal tool ni jelah). Dorg ckp wah gaji mahallah tu...excellent. hurm..xmau cakap byklah pasal gaji2 ni. Tapi SAP is the most good quality on BI tool so far. Setahun lebih dgn company ni. Saya decide to go sebab bosan sgt dgn company tu. Saya pergi interview dgn company worldwide milik salah satu syarikat elektronik Japan..terus dapat. Love the environment, g kerja serabai pun xapa, boss pun ok tapi sayang sgt sebab saya dpt bertahan utk 6 bulan saja sebab agak malang nasib saya masa tu..budak2 lama semua berhenti sorg2. So saya kena support sorg2 ERP team dan yg x tahan kena maki dgn user lepas tu stand by 24 hours. Tidur pun xcukup2. Weekend pun kena kerja. User call xkira siang, malam, mid night atau subuh2. My phone non stop ringing. Argh...I have no life back there. No one want to support me. Alone and got bombed. Even if I'm on leave or MC..there still calling me to do my job.
Arghh...but still bersyukur. I really fall in love with kerjaya IT now. More I know them more I want to explore....there is no limit for me to learn. Call me greedy or whatever but I keep want my head full of knowledge.
1st job..I be a SAP BI specialist, more focus on reporting tool and my boss ask me to improve my communication and functional skill. I admit I feel I more better now. 2nd job I be as System analyst, basic for foxprox system, QAD or netterm system, unix, linux, sql server management, vb.net, C++, code on time and japan culture...argh thanks God for this experience and knowledge. My current job as BI data analyst, I got and sharp my skill on datawarehouse managment in SQL server, oracle (before I know u, I thought u harder than sql), AS400(love it) and IBM BI cognos reporting tool. Arghh...I love IT job and I planning to take master in IT.
Thanks God for you plan..it's beautiful and suit me well. Never planning to have a job like this.
I never be shame to tell anyone who ask me bout my education background. Tak semestinya u in class science became a doctor or u in account class u became a accountant. Dun dare to tell me that people like me is not qualify to became a programmer or became one of IT slave. I'm sure I know the late famous steve job and bill gate. Google their education background and get the answer.
After saya cerita my education background..my friend keep.laughing at me. She said I'm too funny to be true. She said nonsense for some one can be a programmer without a basic. I almost saying that did you forgot the iphone that u use right now is created by whom and his education background?..but my mouth not saying that because finally her laugh makes me realize that was a great plan that God given to me. Anything can happen...just surrender all to God. Sigh...bersyukur selalu adalah sifat yang baik.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Not a bad girl
So sad! When people@org kampung start talking bad about me. What wrong with them??? Am I buat jahat to them or accidentally I makes them sakit hati or what??
I also did not have any idea why they loves to gossiping me. Since I budak2 till now...I heard a bunch of bad story and version about me. Totally pissed me off...I'm too bad for them? Is it??
The most nonsense gossip that I heard from them is everynight I will be dating with a different guy and sent me home after dating. I'm totally clearly remember I was 10 year old that time. What the F...I'm a innocent lil kid that time, how come they can come out with this story.
The recent spreading rumor about me is sugar daddy bela me here at KL. Oh my gosh..are u serious? Do u ask someone to spying me here?? Are u really die hard fan of me?? Get a life folks!! I told ya...kalau betul sugar daddy bela me, napa I kena kerja, pakai kereta local...nak shopping pun fikir 2 3 kali.
Poor me...me orang yg sgt hormat orang lain, tak pernah menyusahkn suku sakat dorg. Napa dorang selalu menyusahkan saya. God bless them.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Confirm lagi
Times goes too fast..sedar tak sedar dah 4 bulan saya kerja company ni. Serius tak perasan, rasa macam baru seminggu yang lalu saya start kerja. Rabu lepas saya dapat email dari HR...saying that I confirm and became a permenant staff. Thanks God...again saya confirm dan jadi permenant staff. Harap2 dapat kerja lama kat sini. Even if saya rasa nak yg lebih lagi dari sekrg tp sabarkan hati jela. Seriously I'm looking something that makes me statisfied. I want more more more more experience in my head. Syukurla sebab kerja sekarang tak seberat mana pun. Still consider average. Xsusah dan x senang. Apapun congrats to myself. Well done...u confirm again and do not think to leave again for this 2 year. Hehehe...
Friday, July 26, 2013
Hati berbunga-bunga..heh
Dah lama tak berperasaan semacam ni, rasa geli dgn diri sendiri pun ada juga. Rasanya sgt lama semenjak break up dgn kekasih lama. Ada juga dlm 3 thn single ni. Tetapi secara tiba2 dan tanpa di pinta...perasaan berbunga2 dlm hati ni muncul kembali. Jeng jeng jeng...siapakah gerangannya manusia yg boleh buat hati saya dup dap dup dap , berbunga2 dan buat saya selalu senyum2 ni. Hehehe..kat office saya ada sorg mamat cute. Jadi rapat dgn dia sebab he the one yg jadi my partner as birthday organizer. Sebab selalu discuss dan gaduh pasal birthday party tu saya rasa saya seronok dan selesa dgn dia. Some more, dia mcm caring, funny and jujur. Last week we did not talking with each other. Lps tu mmg jarang nampak dia wlwpn kami satu office. Selalu dia lalu saya perasan tp xtau napa last week and this week xsgt perasan kewujudan dia and because of this, I feel like a truly miss him. Hahaha...geli hati dengan perasaan sendiri. Honestly, saya selalu pandang tempat duduk dia tp x nampk dia. Isk isk...miss him(gatal kikiki). And today...as usual pagi2 saya akan curi2 pandang meja dia and I did't see him. Suddenly dlm 4.30 ptg tu dia lalu meja saya and he said "hai airen?" Sambil pandang saya dgn mata dia and dgn senyuman dia and then dgn muka pucat dia. Alololo...so cute, hampir saja saya melompat kegembiraan. Tiba2 rasa stress sebab keje bertimbun hilang serta merta. Dan dgn tu juga saya senyum2 sampai sekrg. Hurm...I'm falling in love. So geli hati dgn perasaan mcm ni, masa muda yela boleh berperasaan mcm ni tp dh tua ni mcm xsesuai la pula. Hahahha...napa dia tegur saya mcm tu? He miss me too ke? Ooo duhai hati. Hihi..he too cute to be true. R
Monday, July 1, 2013
Nak jadi Boss
Aku teringin nak jadi boss..nak ada company sendiri..nak manage company sendiri. ..nak ada org bawahan sendiri. Argh!!!! Bila agaknya jadi kenyataan??? Dulu2 aku teringin nak buka kedai kasut jenama sendiri...niat ni masih ada cuma sekarang lebih kuat untuk buka restoran sendiri pula. Bayangkan aku duduk dekat kaunter pembayaran sambil senyum2 tengok pelanggan yg ramai sedang menikmati makanan. Pergh..mcm best pula. Hahahaha. Kalau aku nak buka restoran aku nak buka restoran masakan thai, chinese food dan juga tradisional sabahan food. Setiap malam sebelum tidur, aku membayangkan aku jadi boss yang baik. Aduiyai bilalah dapat jadi boss ni.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Air polution...KL dilanda jerebu. KL hazing!!!!. Oleh yg sedemikian..aku dpt sore throat, fever...dan mengalami keradangan kulit. I hope this haze berlalu cepat...sgt2 x selesa.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Lately...I dun feel like to post status or update my fb status. Dah B.O.R.I.N.G ... tak di nafikan my fb 24 hour and 7 day on. I just scroll my fb friend status and hit like. Kalau rajin memang comment la. My friend suggest me to open new account of Istagram. So I pun buatla. Not bad la instagram...I just can update my fb status using ista photo. Anyway...I always post food photo or kucing so one of my friend comment. "Napa u tak camwhoring, buat duck face ke?". Bila I baca comment ni serius I was laughing too loud. To be honest..I love to take myself photo but since I'am too fat and my skin became worst becoz of pigmentation and blackhead, my confidence became lower to take my own photo..it's yucky and I don wan others see my ugly face. Kalau confidence level I higher pun..I will never take photo with duck face style. Not my style and I don knw how to do it. Hahahaha...
Friday, June 14, 2013
Wah...long time no update my blog entry. No issue to blog or what?? Ada saja issue malah too many stories that I want to wrote down here tapi unluckily...I too lazy to on my laptop and bla bla. I online guna mobile phone saja sekarang. Apa yg I nak ckp is anroid awesome...last time I don't want to used anroid phone. Tapi tak guna jgn byk ckp kn...so I pun try and it's awesome. And now I can blogging with my mobile phone. It's cool!@
Monday, April 29, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
Salute Nora Danish
Monday, April 15, 2013
Friday, April 12, 2013
Today is 12.04.2013
Monday, April 8, 2013
Keracuanan coffee/nescafe??
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Friday, April 5, 2013
Just be yourself
Monday, April 1, 2013
Lapor Diri
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Pimples on my chin
Photo takes from Mr Google. |
Again from Mr Google |
Friday, March 29, 2013
Will you marry me??
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Senyum lebar sampai telinga..
Monday, March 25, 2013
Yesterday by The Beatles
Why she had to go I don't know,
Why’d she have to go?
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Friday, March 15, 2013
Kurus Vs Gemuk
I TAK MUAT DAH BAJU TU...DAH TAK COMFORTABLE RASA. Apa tak...lemak-lemak seakan-akan timbul saja. Perut ni dah jadi macam tayar kereta dah..berlapis weh.